Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Leave Israel Alone

Honestly...the Palestinian radicals have been launching THOUSANDS of rockets into Israeli civilian neighborhoods for MONTHS. The Israelis have exercised restraint, but once they had enough, they moved in to attack these idiots. And what does the world do? It points its finger at Israel. "Tsk. Tsk. Stop pushing war! Stop the mayhem!"

Did the world tell Hamas and the other radicals to stop launching rockets into innocent Israeli neighborhoods? Of course not.

It's a sophisticated, worldly trend to support the Palestinian radical cause. The world tends to ignore the murder Hamas causes but when Israel defends itself...well then, those bastard Israelis!

Israel gave up EVERY SINGLE SQUARE INCH of land the Palestinians claimed was the reason they attacked year after year...did this satisfy the Palestinians? OF COURSE NOT! It was never about the land. It's pure bigotry, hatred, racism, "religiousism". Hamas doesn't want wants every Jew DEAD.

If Mexico launched a few thousand missiles into Arizona, would the world slap the US's wrist when we retaliated? I think not.

Why the double standard?

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